I thought it would be interesting to show you our route thru Fiji to date. The stick pins are hourly log points stored automatically by MaxSea, our charting program. You can see our route in from Tonga to the lower right and our first stop in Fiji at Suva. Then to the Yasawas and north followed by a trip to Lavuka to clear customs (again). Then onward to Savu Savu and Taveuni. the circle will be completed next week with our return to Suva.
Then it is to California for our son George’s graduation from Stanford with his masters in electrical computer engineering and then home to Pittsbugh.
The plan is to rejoin Iron Lady in late July with some of our kids and cover the Lao group and Tavenuii more thoroughly.

As you can also see, we are currently in Taveuni – a long way from the Yasawas and Suva. Internet service has been a challenge to put it mildly – and besides – I want to do stuff besides blog posts.
There are many areas that we have been that I just don’t have time to cover. There are many areas we wanted to go but time or weather did not permit. By talking to folks we have gone places we didn’t intend to go and for the most part they have been great. And bizarre Customs requirements have sent us to places we wouldn’t have gone at all (Lavuka and Lautoka), but even those stops occasioned visits to some wonderful places.
About to go snorkeling and then relocate to the world famous Rainbow Reef. Enuf with the blog already.
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