The trip up from Nadi was uneventful although rough. The anchorage off Soma Soma was not favored with the wind from the west so we anchored up in an adjacent bay.

The first order of business was to launch Little Lady (the inflatable) and Beer Can (tentative name for the aluminum dink). A nice cool swim was also in order.

The next morning the wind had dropped and shifted to the south and east so we moved to the bay where Soma Soma is located.

As it was Sunday, we refrained from going to the village until the afternoon when church would be over. We spent the morning diving on a local reef and exploring.

After lunch, we headed in and made our Sevu Sevu and met up with some of our old friends from our last visit.

We were invited to afternoon tea by Salu – one of our best friends.

It was getting late so we headed back to the boat but we were asked to attend the evening church service after dinner at the Assembly of God church (there are 3 churches in the village). The music was wonderful and the sermon – well – a bit louder and more pointed then we are used to.
The next morning it was back to the village for a light breakfast consisting of tea, scones, roti (flat bread with coconut milk) and pancakes. It was delicious.

Here are a few views of the kitchen.

Salu was also kind enough to give us some spinach, breadfruit and papaya to replenish our fresh produce.

George has been wanting to try spear fishing so Salu was kind enough to take him out.

Ian and I went along as well.

A very pretty spot.

and a successful hunt!

Back at the boat with the catch, Salu’s wife prepared a fresh fish soup – water, onion, the fish, spinach and other spices. Simple but delicious.

Just when we thought the day couldn’t get any better, a couple of villagers stopped by with dinner.

The next morning we were off but we will long remember our time in Soma Soma with our friends. If you happen to be headed this way, the village is in desperate need of a handheld waterproof GPS for the village boat – perhaps you could bring one along.
Say Hi for us!
2 Responses to Soma Soma – July 2011