Well, we made it back to Russell after all and this time, I didn’t delete the pictures. We anchored just around the corner in a small bay so we rode around in the dink in the morning to attend church.
I couldn’t get all of the pictures that I had, but here are a few.

This is a picture of the Duke of Marlborough Inn. Originally this was the home of the Swordfish Club where Zane Grey and his fishing buddies held court while big game fishing here in the 1920’s. More on that in another post.

This is a shot of the museum with a 1/5 replica of HMS Endeavor as well as other objects full of local history.

Here is a picture of the Anglican Church we attended, the oldest church in New Zealand. Founded in 1836, the Missionaries came to the “hell hole of the Pacific” with the intent of improving its character.

It was just charming – the residents of Russell each made an embroidered cushion for seating in the pews.

In addition to being Lent, it was a special Sunday for it was the commemoration of the battle with the Maoris and the HMS Hazard on this same day – 11th of March, 1845 in which much of Russell was destroyed by canon fire from the Hazard.

After church, it was off for a quick bit of shopping for some fresh produce. Back to Iron Lady and up anchor bound for Ashby’s Boat Yard near Opua where Joe was able to get us a slip to sit out the next blow securely tied to the dock with 36 amp shorepower – nice to have the air con on for a bit.