Moving backwards in time to our first visit to Queen Charlotte Sound, we were hustling to get in before the next big blow with winds predicted outside to over 60 knots in the Cook Straight. Our destination was the marina in Picton at the head of the sound and was the first time we were going to be tied to a dock since Ashby’s in the Bay of Islands. The weather was looking ominous as we headed down the Sound.

That night, we saw steady 30 knot winds with gusts over 40 knots in the marina.

One of our fenders didn’t fare so well. Busted flat in Picton. Didn’t janice Joplin do a tune by that name?

Things were looking up by morning, so we went for a small walk about.

Here are some views of the Sound in a little better light.

Finally, some views from up high.

There are ferries that run daily to Wellington on the North Island from here. This is one of them.

This is a view of the town of Picton.

Iron Lady is parked in the marina in the back of the picture.

And finally, the obligatory sunset.

And yes, that is a 55 Nordhavn parked across the way – similar to the 50 we had.
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