No, we aren’t going to the dogs, but we do miss our dog Charlie. Down here though, Wwoofing has a different meaning – Willing Workers on Organic Farms.
Everywhere we have been there are just tons of young people from all corners of the world who are working their way around New Zealand Wwoofing. In exchange for something like 4 hours of work on a farm or in a vineyard, young people get room and board. The rest of their time is free to explore the area.
There seem to be numerous variations on this theme – many young people are working in restaurants, shops and such as well to earn money to travel about. While this is not strictly Wwoofing, it seems to follow a similar format. It is noteworthy to us that most of the young people, however, do not seem to be from the US.
While this old dog is way too old for such tricks, I wish such an opportunity had been around when I was younger – what a great way to see the world up close and personal on a budget.
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