BC Cruising – Part 1

Going to do this one in several parts. One of my first observations while cruising in these waters is how much parts of it resemble New Zealand. It does make some sense.

Both are situated at similar latitudes albeit 50 South and 50 North. Both are geologically active and have high coastal ranges that act as barriers to the moist air flowing off the adjacent oceans creating rain forests and snow covered mountains.

In New Zealand, the prevailing weather flows from the Southern Ocean and Tasman from the west.

In BC, the prevailing weather flows from the North pacific from the west.

Both are temperate due to the oceans that surround them.

The following is a brief assortment of pictures – some from BC – some from NZ. I won’t say which is which but it is certainly hard to tell one form the other at this scale.


D71 0314

D71 0324

D71 0646

DSC 2060


D71 0591

DSC 1776

DSC 2074

DSC 2061

D71 0640

Lots of differences as well which I will cover in future posts.

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