
Turning back the clock a bit, before heading off to Great Barrier, Rolf Siedler, Circa’s master electrician invited us to his home for a barbeque. In addition to being a fine electrician, Rolf also is among many other things, a wood carver on a grand scale.

His property is beautiful and is close to downtown Whangarei on the Hatea River which is a tidal creek.



One of the many wonders of New Zealand is the climate and the things it produces. On his property, Rolf has fig trees, grapefruit trees, lime trees, a chestnut tree, and much more including beautiful plant and herb gardens.


The figs were ripe and were wonderful and I am not a great fan of figs.


Dinner was roasted chicken over the open fire on Rolf’s homemade spit. Accompaniments were cous cous with fresh ginger and other spices and items from his garden.

Top it off with good company, wonderful New Zealand wine and what more could you ask for.


How about fresh roasted chestnuts (yes – over an open fire and it isn’t even Christmas).


Pete and Deb

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