As we headed north out of Lefuka, the winds and seas continued to drop and fall further aft of the beam. Life was good. New Shabby was out and we caught a nice Mahi Mahi. Life was getting even better.
We arrived at our anchorage off Namena around 1400. The island is totally private with a very nice eco resort (Moody’s Namena) which is open only to guests, but Deb charmed her way in to see the island and the resort. All power is provided by solar and wind generators and all food is grown organically. The island and all surrounding waters are protected and no take zones. Nigel, the manager, was very kind and took us on a tour of the island.
The next morning, Deb and Steve went snorkeling (I couldn’t – seems I ripped off my big toe nail and I was afraid of infection – but that is another story – and you won’t here it from me).
The reef was spectacular and the bird life and plant life were equally awesome. Enjoy the pics.

This is a red footed booby chick still in the nest.

Finally, no such thing as too many sunsets.

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