Omoa – Fatu Hiva

After our jeep ride, we spent a 3 or 4 hours walking around the village of Omoa before heading back to Hanavave Bay on Iron Lady.

This is the oldest church in the Marquesas – populated by literally thousands of wasps – so a few quick pictures and we were on our way.

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The Marquesans are known for their wood carvings of which this lectern is a prime example.

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This fellow was standing guard a bit further down the street.

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The main drag thru town.


We were told there was a small resort/restaurant about half an hours walk where we might get a late lunch.


After a bit of searching around, we managed to find the proprietor.


It didn’t seem much like much of a going concern so we thought we would be warmly welcomed – to no avail. Meals were only available by prior arrangement. Life moves at a different pace here. One had the feeling that this guy might have been a runaway from the French Foreign legion.

The only other place in town was a small store where we were able to get a cold beer and some crackers.

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Then it was back to the Bay of Virgins in preparation for our hike to a waterfall the following day.

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