Walsh Cove

On the way up Waddington Channel from Melanie we stopped for the night at Walash Cove (seen of the great oyster hunt). Very pretty little spot but the rocky bottom made for an uneasy nights sleep as the anchor didn’t hold well. The beauty of the place could not be beat however.

This is a view of Waddington Channel.

D71 0585

And some views around the cove.

D71 0586

D71 0591

D71 0592

D71 0593

WE finally gave up around midnight and dropped the hook in deeper water and did a stern tie to shore. That worked well but the current flow still moved the boat around and set off the anchor alarm a few times. Steve and took turns getting up and checking things (not prearranged). If I hadn’t heard him check for a while, I would go up and he did the same.

We both tend to be of a cautious nature – a good thing.

Next morning it was off to Toba Wildernest marina – highly recommended for those who like beauty and solitude (along with good salmon fishing).


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